<?php mb_language('Japanese'); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); $zip_file = ''; $zip_url = ''.$zip_file; $tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); $tmp_file = tempnam($tmp_dir, 'postal'); $zip = null; $tmp = null; $cmp = null; try { // ZIPファイルダウンロード if (!($zip = fopen($zip_url, 'rb'))) throw new Exception('File can not be opened. :'.$zip_url); if (!($tmp = fopen($tmp_file, 'wb'))) throw new Exception('File can not be opened. :'.$tmp_file); while (!feof($zip)) fwrite($tmp, fread($zip, 8192)); fclose($zip); fclose($tmp); $zip = null; $tmp = null; // ZIPファイル展開 $cmp = new ZipArchive(); if ($cmp->open($tmp_file) === true) { for ($i = 0; $i < $cmp->numFiles; $i++) { $fp = null; $ofp = null; try { $entry = $cmp->getNameIndex($i); if ( substr( $entry, -1 ) == '/' ) continue; $fp = $cmp->getStream( $entry ); if (!$fp) throw new Exception('Unable to extract the file.'); // ストリームフィルタをセット if (!stream_filter_prepend($fp, 'convert.iconv.cp932/utf-8', STREAM_FILTER_READ)) throw new Exception('Counld not apply stream filter.'); $ofp = fopen( $tmp_dir.'/'.$entry, 'wb' ); if (!$ofp) throw new Exception('File can not be opened. :'.$entry); while (!feof($fp)) fwrite($ofp, fread($fp, 8192)); fclose($fp); fclose($ofp); } catch (Exception $e) { if (!is_null($fp)) fclose($fp); if (!is_null($ofp)) fclose($ofp); throw $e; } } if (!is_null($cmp)) $cmp->close(); } else throw new Exception('Can not open ZIP file.'); } catch (Exception $e) { fputs(STDERR, $e->getMessage()."\n"); if (!is_null($zip)) fclose($zip); if (!is_null($tmp)) fclose($tmp); if (!is_null($cmp)) $cmp->close(); }